Good At Poker

Why Are Some People Naturally Good At Poker – Is It Down To DNA?

Many people have made a profession out of poker in the last two decades or more.

One of the primary drivers of this trend is the virtually endless possibilities for earning money while enjoying an unrestricted way of life.

Of course, while millions of people play poker for a career these days, there are a chosen few who have fared far better than the majority.

Players that manage to make the game into a successful venture spend a lot of time learning the ropes.

Most go through many ups and downs before ultimately reaching their comfort zone, while some appear to bypass this whole process almost altogether and move from learning the rules directly to winning.

We must ask, then, why this is the case.

What is it about these players that allows them to master the game so quickly and easily? Do they have a predisposition to thrive in poker by nature?

Is the game somehow a part of their existence, and, more importantly, is poker in your DNA?

How can one become proficient at poker?

If you’re a poker lover of any type, you must have thought at least once or twice what it would be like to play the game professionally. There’s something alluring about this concept, even if you’re normally a stoic individual.

But, there is always the huge question that emerges from these ideas. Is it possible for me to succeed?

1. A Mathematically-Trained Mind

When it comes down to it, poker is primarily a game of numbers.

You’ll hear many various viewpoints on the matter, but the basic line is that if you don’t grasp the arithmetic underlying the game, you won’t do well in the long run.

If so, you may have a natural aptitude for working with numbers in the form of charts and graphs. If this is the case, you have a strong probability of succeeding in poker.

Many of the players you see on television, many of whom have built their bankrolls from the ground up, have a fascination with numbers that is beyond the comprehension of the average person.

Understanding how percentages operate is one thing. It’s another thing completely to actually revel in them.

If the past few lines have left you shaking your head, don’t despair. Although a penchant for numbers may be a valuable tool in the game of poker, it is by no means required.

Poker, on the other hand, is probably not for those who despise arithmetic or don’t want anything to do with it.

A mathematical component contributes to poker’s status as a game requiring skill and strategy. Without it, it would be be another game with cards in which the luckiest person wins.

2. Trustworthy Gut Feelings

Another personality attribute that might imply poker might be in your DNA is strong intuition.

There are those of us who are more certain of our intuition than others.

If you’re someone who has really good instincts and intuition, you undoubtedly know it at this stage in life. You’ll have been in circumstances where you relied upon them, and they helped you out of some tight places.

At the poker table, keen intuition may be genuinely priceless.

As much as the game is on odds and facts, you rarely get the entire spectrum of information to deal with. A part of it is guesswork.

Obviously, math whizzes rely on intricate GTO calculations to solve the problem, but strong intuition may also be quite useful.

In other people, if you have the ability to tell when someone is lying to you or not being completely honest with you, this skill will come in handy while playing live games, when people can’t or won’t do a good job of hiding their feelings.

3. Risk Tolerance

Ultimately, poker has an element of gambling in the short term.

A combination of terrible luck and poor money management has put even the best of the best players in a situation where they were on the verge of losing their whole bankroll (or had already done so).

However, when they discuss it, you can practically sense the joy in their voice. You don’t get the sensation they’re talking about something terrible.

This is due to the fact that people with poker in their genes have a significantly higher tolerance for danger and do not view this component of the game as sad.

If you’re actually naturally predisposed for the game, you’re going to appreciate every component of it in some manner – even the not-so-pleasant bits.

You’ve probably heard poker players refer to themselves as “degens” (abbreviation of degenerate gambler, meaning perpetually broke due of gaming) (abbreviation of degenerate gambler, meaning always broke because of gambling).

Why on earth would this term have a good meaning, you might ask?

In the realm of poker, the answer is – yes.

You don’t want to be a “degen” or irresponsible, but, at the same time, you kind of do.

It’s not only about the money when you play poker. It’s all about having a good time and taking advantage of all that the city has to offer. The good, the terrible, and all that occurs in between.

Upon first glance, it may seem as if there are far too many outstanding players who don’t act in this manner.

I couldn’t agree with you more.

This isn’t a prerequisite for success in the game. Some of the best players in the world approach it strictly from a business perspective, and their results have been consistent for decades.

These are the kind of players who have built up their bankrolls over time, so they’re unlikely to go broke. Their cool, collected, and methodical approach to the game has been quite successful for them throughout the course of their careers.

In the future, those who built up seven-figure bankrolls in a short period of time are far more likely to take enormous risks and fail. Consider a person comparable to “Isildur1”

It took him only a few hours to blow through seven figures.

And when he went broke, he would return to grinding smaller stakes and rebuilt his bankroll so he could do it all again.

This is hardly “normal” conduct, but poker hasn’t been considered a “normal” career until lately, either.

4. Being Unconcerned With What Others Think Of You

Because poker is still not generally acknowledged, you’ll probably have to think outside the box if you want to fall in love with the game.

To earn a living by dealing cards and shuffled chips seems absurd in such a culture.

When did grit and determination go out the window?

Most people outside of the poker community don’t realize how much effort it takes to play poker seriously. It’s not simply about learning to play well.

Sitting down at the table and putting it your best effort session after session is difficult.

From the outside, it may appear simple, but even if poker is in your blood, it is anything but.

This means you must be someone who is not afraid to cross societal norms and things in your everyday person.

Unless you’re incredibly fortunate, your loved ones will be at least moderately astonished by the concept you find poker a feasible professional choice.

It takes a particular sort of a person to reject all the criticism and hold their position.

But, if poker is something you actually love and enjoy and if you feel naturally excellent at it, it won’t matter as much.

It’s funny, really, but it’s one of those things you’ll probably know after playing in your first cash game or a tournament.

If you have no prior understanding of the game’s rules or strategy, it will still be easy for you to follow along.

Despite the fact that you are seated at a poker table with players who are far more experienced than you, you will not feel out of place.

Knowing that you may improve and repay the favor makes you motivated to learn more about the game.

If you find poker dull or not too thrilling, you could still become a very strong player, but you’ll never like it as much as someone who appreciates every part of it in some manner, including mandatory terrible beats and coolers.

What’s More Important: Self-Effort or Generosity?

Throughout this post, I’ve emphasized that you don’t need to be a natural poker game to be successful.

While a predisposition toward anything is a fantastic place to start, it is by no means a guarantee that you will succeed in your things.

Even if you’re born with a talent for the game, it won’t make you a world-class poker player in today’s competitive environment.

In other cases, it’s even a terrible thing.

Players that are born with natural skill generally succeed early in their careers. They have the potential to win at smaller stakes, when the competition isn’t as stiff, when combined with some nice runs.

As they move up the stakes, though, they come into more harder opponents, and realize that brilliance alone is no longer enough.

It’s at this juncture when poker players are formed or broken.

Players who know that they need to put their gift to good use and commit themselves to learning the game to keep progressing will thrive and go on to attain success more often than not.

Those aren’t willing to devote the hours in will either exit the game or become the “reg fish” type that games are designed around.

Hard effort trumps skill 99 percent of the time in the long run, and we all know that poker is all about the long run.

The question is, do you have a gene for poker?

The fact that you’re reading this essay shows that you have some degree of love for the game.

Otherwise, I don’t understand how you’d stumble into it, let alone go all the way down to these final parts.

There’s a good chance that part of what I’ve said here resonates with you, and if it does, you probably have a soft spot for poker.

Further testing is required to identify whether or not you have a significant portion of your genome affected.

You shouldn’t spend too much time thinking about this, in more serious terms.

You don’t have to be a genius to be a great poker player. You’re already half-way there if you like the game and don’t mind learning about it.

The worst mistake you can make is to believe that you are too smart and accomplished to benefit from the suggestions of others.

If you aren’t beating the games regularly, it doesn’t matter if you have poker in your DNA or not. It’s a clear indicator you need to develop – and you won’t do that without putting in real work.

Take every moment you can to study and grow better, and it won’t be long before you’re seeing all of the “talented” youngsters in the rearview mirror as you climb up the stakes!

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